Sunday, 30 March 2014

A little bit of Project Life

Do you ever write yourself a project list, then look at it and laugh? I did that the other day and if I managed to do all the crafty projects I've set myself, I need to live until I'm 110! ... So I suppose I better get started on some of them, then.

Anyway, back to my big love of the moment .. Project Life. I really don't know what it is about it, that I find so fascinating. Maybe its the fact I feel free to experiment, or its a great way to use photos that you wouldn't necessarily scrap 12 x 12 or maybe its just the gorgeous products out there (probably the last), but either way, I'm still hooked by it.  Yes, I'm behind, but its not a big deal, so here are a few catch up pages.

For this week, I played around with typing on the photo before printing ... I still need to practice this technique, I think. 

I did a two page spread with this weeks, as it was Simon's birthday.  I know I'll be doing 12 x 12's for our trip to Harry Potter but it was fun to include them in our PL album too.

I've also printed out a bit from the BBC website about how its been the wettest winter on record this year, so I've included that as well.

And finally valentines week. Again, I've put our cards in the album too.

So that's where I'm up too at the moment. Need to get my act together a bit more as we're going into week 14 next week.  Goodness, where does time go.


  1. Anything that helps you enjoy your crafting has to be a good thing and there are certainly some super things in the PL range of products.
    Your pages are great - love the Harry Potter one and the photo of your bracelet is fab.

    Toni xx

  2. Such gorgeous pages Sandra. Looks like you have been very busy the last few weeks.

  3. Your pages look great. I love Project Life too for all the same reasons but also because it makes you stop and look at your life and notice the little, every day things too. xx

  4. IAs you know I'm a huge PL fan & I love looking at all the details on your pages Sandra xxx

  5. They look fab! And I applaud Simon's new shirt too :-)

  6. Loving all your PL pages - they are fab x

  7. I am enjoying PL though need to make a few more pages! I suspect I will always be a bit behind as I am doing it monthly rather than weekly. I can't wait to see you HP 12x12 pages!

  8. Great PL pages Sandra!! I love all the little picture you have used, I need to do more of that myself. After seeing your pics I need a trip to Harry Potter xx

  9. Your pages look great - I'm loving the pink. PL is always on my crafty to-do list, I keep putting off starting on it this year - not good as it is April already.

  10. Your pages are lovely as always. So glad you enjoyed the HP tour. I was planning to go in the summer, but my friend went just before Christmas and it looked magical with the snow.

  11. I did want to start PL this year but haven't actually ever got started. Now I think I'm just going to park that idea for the time being. However, I do love your pages and it is an inspirational idea!


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