Saturday, 11 January 2014

Sweet Dreams little boy

Its through tears I write this post. Yesterday my lovely little world crashed, and we lost our Eddie.

It was all so sudden. One minute I was getting my breakfast in the morning and he was running down the garden chasing a leaf or something, as usual, he then came in and was mooching around looking for a biscuit, and then the next minute he went very still and quiet. Which is so not like him.  He made his way over to his bed and laid down - and then we think had a massive stroke. 

Simon was on his way to work and luckily for me on the train so could turn around and get the next train home. My neighbour helped me carry Eddie to the car and was with me at the Vet while they tried to save him. Back at home I waited for them to ring with news, and then just like that phone call came to say there was nothing they could do and we should go and say good bye.

My darling sweet boy, I miss him so very very much.  He lived life with such passion and at 100 miles an hour. And just like that he was gone.  My heart is broken, but I'm a lucky person for having had him in my life and that he choose to love us.

I remember choosing him at the rescue centre just over 11 years ago - and though he lived with Mum and Dad for 8 or those years, I walked him every day and that's when our mutual love affair started.
After Mum and Dad passed he came to live with us; and although our life was turned upside down by this crazy, happy, muddy dog, we found our rhythm and he fitted so well into our lives.

There is such a big hole now, and for me - I've lost a little of Mum and Dad again, but I know he's running around up there with them now. So for now, sleep tight little boy .... sweet dreams Mummy and Daddy miss and love you.


  1. Oh Sandra, I know that feeling only too well but please believe me when I say it does get better. Big hugs to you xxx

    By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,

    Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.

    Where the friends of man and woman do run,

    When their time on earth is over and done.

    For here, between this world and the next,

    Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.

    On this golden land, they wait and they play,

    Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

    No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,

    For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.

    Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,

    Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

    They romp through the grass, without even a care,

    Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.

    All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,

    Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

    For just at that instant, their eyes have met;

    Together again, both person and pet.

    So they run to each other, these friends from long past,

    The time of their parting is over at last.

    The sadness they felt while they were apart,

    Has turned into joy once more in each heart.

    They embrace with a love that will last forever,

    And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

  2. Such sad news, there is a massive hole in your life at the moment, time will heal that. On a lighter note, you have inspired me to spend money £60 in fact - I have just discovered Becky Higgins.

  3. He was such a bouncy, happy boy and loved you all as you loved him. I know you will miss him terribly but he had a wonderful life with you all and kept that crazy spirit right to the end xx

  4. I have been thinking of you since i saw your post on IG! I feel your pain...having been through something similar ourselves xx hugs to you both xx

  5. Sandra there is nothing any of us can say ........Eddie knew love and you were loved back sweetie.

    My heart breaks for you as I have been there....

    hugs Diane x

  6. Gosh Sandra, how awful for you to lose your boy, it made me quite tearful reading the beautiful post you wrote about him and your parents... sending a huge virtual hug xxx

  7. My heart really goes out to you and Simon right now Sandra, having been through this myself I know just how painful it is to lose a precious and very much loved pet. Remember all the happy times you shared with your fur baby...sending you much love and lots of hugs. Jane xx

  8. Huge hugs to you (((((hugs))))))

  9. It is never easy to say good-by to a pet, but when it happens suddenly to a seemingly healthy animal, the shock and pain are hard to bear. My heart goes out to you and your family. After the tears subside, I hope you can enjoy the happy memories.

  10. Oh Sandra, there are no words. I've thinking about you ever since I saw your message on IG. A beautiful and heartbreaking post xx

  11. A beautiful post about your fur-baby - sleep peacefully Eddie.

    Sending you big (((hugs))) and thinking of you Sandra.

    Toni xx

  12. Oh Sandra, I feel your pain. Anyone who's lost their best friend knows how heartbreaking this is. We lost Blossom nearly 20 years ago and that little place in my heat is still empty although the pain has gone. Hold onto the happy memories. You were both lucky to have found each other. Leslie has said it all so well with her lovely poem. Sending love.

  13. I'm very very sorry to hear this Sandra x

  14. My sincere condolences - such sad news. I am so sorry to hear this. xx

  15. Sandra I am so very,very sorry. Sending you hugs.

  16. Oh Sandra I'm just reading this and feel sick. I'm so sorry for your loss, Eddie was a joy to see on your IG feed. I will miss him very much. Sending you big big hugs xx

  17. Oh my lovely Eddie, I miss you so much. He was the loveliest, happiest, sweetest dog and I know he experienced the very best of life with you. Sending you hugs. Run free Eddie xx

  18. So sorry to read this, we all know how much you loved and cherished your darling boy. Sending you hugs xx

  19. Such a sad thing to happen Sandra, my thoughts are with you x

  20. Sat here crying for you Sandra. I feel like I know you hrough Instagram and here. He is and always will be your darling boy. He was lucky to have you and you were blessed to have him. My heart is with you in this very difficult time.

  21. Sandra I am so shocked and sad to read about Eddie. He loved you both as much as you loved him, and lived life to the full xx

  22. Oh Sandra so sorry to hear about Eddie, tears were streaming when I read your post. Hugs from me

    Suzy xx

  23. Oh Sandra - my heart goes out to you both. I'm sobbing here and I don't even have pets, but I know how much he meant to you and your Mum & Dad. Hugs xxx

  24. Oh Sandra xxx
    My heart aches for you & the tears pours down my face as I type...
    I know from here & Instagram how much he really meant to you , sending lots of hugs your way xxx

  25. Oh Sandra, I'm in tears for you and your sweet boy. As you say... it's losing a bit of your parents again :'( sending you lots of love and hugs as your sweet friend crosses the rainbow bridge... You all gave him such a wonderful life than what he might have had, had he not been lucky enough for you to pick him. As you know... it's never easy but time helps a bit.
    lots of love

  26. Oh my goodness, Sandra I'm so sorry to read this! It is bad enough losing a pet but so suddenly is just cruel and especially with him being such a reminder of your parents. I'm glad you could be there with him in the end and when he became ill though - that must have been great comfort to him xx

  27. i hope you find the comfort in that he is with your parents and he isnt in any pain
    i dread the day i lose one of my pets so i really feel for you
    big hugs x

  28. Oh this is such sad news, so sorry for your loss. Consider yourself hugged.


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