Thursday, 9 January 2014

Jumping in again

Last year was the first time I did Project Life properly.  The year before that, I did my own version in a collage style photo in an A4 album, and enjoyed it so much, I wanted to try the real thing. Well, I have to say .... I LOVED IT! loved it, loved it, loved it.

And I think the furthest I got behind was about 9 weeks; but soon caught up. And its truly an album I love to bits and I got such a buzz when my Mother In Law spent hours just smiling while flicking though and reading everything.

So for 2014, I'm jumping in again.

Now, through my blog reading of late, I've seen lots of great tips being offered. So I thought I'd offer a few of my own, and how certain things helped me last year ..... So in no particular order (goodness, I sound like Bruce on Strictly) ... here we go.

I have a notebook! Of course I do, which crafter doesn't have a million of them. But this one, I keep on my bedside table, and each night I jot a few things down as a memory jog. I put a line down for a margin to keep my date in and each page is a week. I don't use it as a full on diary - but just a note or two of the day, even if nothing really has happened - I've made a note of the tv we've watched, or what we've eaten. Just a little something.

Next my phone! .... Without it, I'd be well and truly lost.  I use it as my camera every day - but I also take a photo every day, on the Project 365 app. I've found that even the most mundane of my days has given me a photo opportunity and something to add into my album when I don't have much to show.

Instagram. I'm obsessed. I don't do Facebook much but I love Instagram, and I've not only made loads of friends via it, but I've got a stack of photos that I take and share, to use from it. Its also offers great inspiration as others I follow share their Project Life layouts.

I love certain sites too for inspiration; Pinterest of course, You Tube, and also Two Peas for their free weekly PL videos (although, I'm not sure they're continuing it for 2014).

Another thing that's helped me is subscribing to Studio Calico's Project Life kit. I love it.  I don't really have any of the official Becky Higgins core kits; as I do tend to cut my own papers up - but in the last 6 months of last year, I started subbing and I did find it helped me so very much, it made it all so much quicker. So maybe this year, an official core kit or two may just fall into my shopping basket while I'm browsing some online stores.

My last thing is something I'm copying from my lovely Instagram Friend Ginger .  Its putting a weekly marker on my phone for all my pictures ... (oh, don't forget to download often, I lost a week of photos last year, when the software upgraded) Anyway, I'm going to be using the Rhonna Designs App. It is amazing. I'm loving it. Still a long way to go in learning all its features, but I can see that I'll also be using some of the images from it in the album.

So there you have it, just a few things from me, that's helped me keep on track. I'll be back at a later date to show you how I'm sorting my Project Life cards and embellishments. Its something I'm working on at the moment and keeping my fingers crossed that the idea of what I have in my head, actually works in real life lol.

Last years book ... Gotta love Martha Stewart products
Another Martha Stewart book
Instagram and Rhonna designs app ... a match made in heaven.


  1. Sounds like you are going to be very busy over the coming year Sandra...have fun...I've not taken the plunge into this project as I just know I will NEVER keep up with

  2. Ineresting reading Sandra, but...........I think I will just watch and enjoy you doing it !! :)

    hugs Diane xx

    PS thanks so much for all the lovely comments you leave me sweeite !!

  3. Great tips Sandra, thank you. I'm jumping in this year too and have managed to make a few notes each far! I'm also loving Instagram. So pleased to have a phone with a decent camera at last :o)

  4. PL is addictive isn't it!!
    I'm about to start my third year!
    great advice on how to stay on track x

  5. So pleased your doing PL again Sandra,,,,I am also doing it again and this year I am doing it weekly rather than an as and when basis. I have my notebooks too....

    I will be looking out for your blog and Instagram as inspiration and as for a core kit I can on,y say go for it....I started with one and now have 3!! Xx

  6. not gonna do PL each week as I would never keep up but I think it will be great for adding some extras to holidays or when i have taken loads of photos of something. I would love to see your album sometime xxx

  7. Your project life pages are great and glad to hear you are jumping in again this year. I have been making notes and taking photos but can't actually make a decision to jump in. I think it is the time issue that is holding me back!!! Ginger inspires me too...xx

  8. Looks like you are all set & organised for 2014 - I look forward to seeing your pages.

    Toni xx

  9. Good luck with it Sandra - looks like you are very well organised. I look forward to seeing all your pages x

  10. I have started using Gratitude365 on my phone. I love the way you don't feel pressurised to write too much. Sometimes it is the smallest events that make us smile when we look back.

  11. Oh, I can't resist another Bruce quote: I've seen a lot of Project Life-ers starting again this year..but you're my favourite!!!

  12. Sounds like you're all set for another great year with Project Life. Isn't it funny how stuff just falls into those online shopping baskets! :>) When I was cropping with friends last year, several of them switched out items from their various PL kits & they gave me some of the 3x4 cards - I've had fun using them on layouts.

  13. I will be doing PL stylie format this year, too - but as and when an event happens, or is scrapworthy - I am not going to commit to a layout per week, or whatever! Looking forward to seeing what you create - Studio Calico PL kit sounds very tempting, and something to promise myself when we are more settled .... x

  14. I love reading what others find helpful with their PL and I think I will start keeping at notebook by the bed to capture what's missing from my PL. I agree the SC kits are wonderful, and yes having the core kits make it quick and easy! Thanks so much for the mention my friend! Those markers definitely keep things easier for me :)

  15. Great tips, looks like you're all ready for PL 2014 x

  16. It all looks fab! So glad you are enjoying it. I must have a look at the PL vids on 2peas because although I don't do PL, I do use the pockets a lot.


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