Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Junes Bumper Counterfeit Kit

Well, ok I have gone just a tad overboard with this months kit.  I can honestly say I fell in love with the Destination Unknown kit ... it was all those lovely summery colours that just called out to me.  So once I started adding, well lets just say I couldn't stop.

Here is the original kit from Scraptastic and the add-on kit. I just love the speech bubbles and cut up cards .. plus the flair badges and little embellishments all just screamed project life to me, so I think that's what really made up my mind ... and of course pink and aqua is always a firm favourite colour choice

 And well ... eerrr, heres mine.  All the papers first ... I've used a lot of half sheets that have previously been cut up and a few 6 x 6 pads too.

Then here's it is with the sticker sheets and alphabets

And finally embellishments

I can almost here you shouting ... "has she gone mad" lol.  I know, I know ...but in my defense, we are going to spend a few days at the little house this month, and I have a crop to attend (2 actually) and this is all I'll be taking with me to those things ... well, maybe just a few more things lol.  Plus ... I need to catch up with project life, and this with all it's cut up cards will be just perfect.  Well, that's my excuse anyway, and I'm sticking to it.

So looking forward to playing with this little lot just to bag it up really.


  1. What a gorgeous pile of stash to dive into :)

  2. What a lovely selection,Sandra....I really must use my [many!] 6 x 6 pads more with scrapbooking.

  3. Love your selection Sandra & look forward to seeing all you make :)

  4. Oh my! You have a great selection of lovelies to play around with :o) Just add scissors and glue!

  5. WOW! All those embellishments - gorgeous :)

  6. Has she gone mad?

    You'll get loads done with this lovely kit - what's the Little House?

  7. Wow look at all the lovely stash! I want to come and play! Can't wait to see what you come up with it all x

  8. Ooo...what a lot you've got Sandra. Ü I love the arrow masks/stencils, the woodchips, the papers...well, just about everything. Have fun. TFS. ~Glen~

  9. That is one whopper of a kit - have fun x

  10. Good grief!! There is nothing there that I am not desperate to play with! Have lots of fun at your crops and little house .... I wonder how much stuff you will add to this beautiful collection ;0) x

  11. So much prettiness there! I love the happy colours! enjoy playing with it all!

  12. Wow thats a big kit, but it looks fantastic

  13. wonderful selection, have fun at your little house and the crops

  14. That is a HUGE kit! I love all your embellishments.

  15. "There is nothing there that I'm not desperate to play with" Can I second that?

  16. I so want to come to your house and scrapbook with all those lovely bits. Thanx for the lovely comment on my tutorial Sandra, much appreciated. What embroidery stuff would you like to know more about?
    Jo xxx

  17. That is an awesome kit! Do you still have things left in your stash, lol? Looks like a fun month of scrapping ahead for you.

  18. Wow - slurp! I love all the colours - I look forward to seeing what you produce at the end of it!

  19. Wow - what a fabulous kit to play with! I can picture all sorts of creative layouts with that stash - have fun!!

  20. That is a perfectly lovely kit!! Have fun playing!

  21. oooh that kit looks fab Sandra hope to see it in real life this month if you are at the crop xxx

  22. That looks like a great kit that I would love to steal :) x

  23. Looks like a fun kit! Can't wait to see what you create!

  24. That kit looks fab Sandra , gorgepus colours, can't wait to see what you create with it xx

  25. A MAZ ING! You'll be scrapping all month. Looking forward to seeing what you create.

  26. Fabulous - look forward to seeing what you do with it all x

  27. What a fabulous kit to take along to your crops. You certainly have enough here to keep you busy. I have those Dear Lizzy flower embellies, too!

  28. that really is HUGE! now, how are you getting on with it and are you making inroads into the gorgeous products?

  29. Congrats on being highlighted over at CKC for your gorgeous kit - how's it going?

  30. Whoa! that was a big kit and what you have been up to looks totally gorgeous too and lovely Eddie, you are all lucky to have each other



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