Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Counterfeiting with May's kit

May was the first month of taking part in with the counterfeit kit challenge blog; I know there is no wrong or right when you're joining in with these sort of things - but maybe because I was a "newbie" at it, I wanted more structure. I think next time I join in, I'll be a little bit more relaxed about it and not worry too much, about adding things onto projects that weren't in my kit.

Anyway, I've had a blast, here are some more things I've made using the May kit;

First another layout ... that's 3 layouts from the kit.

Then a card for a friend, who's birthday I forgot
and lastly a project life layout

ok, onto putting June's kit together.  I've decided I'm going to break up May's kit and put it all back in my stash.
Thank you Counterfeit Kit challenge blog, I've had a blast.


  1. I love all the spots,Sandra....you've managed to use your kit in so many different ways.

  2. Just fabulous Sandra and there's no wrong or right way with crafting, just enjoy !!

    Love seeing your peaks of life !!

    hugs Diane xx

  3. All fab projects!! Look forward to seeing your June kit! Xx

  4. Beautiful projects Sandra.

  5. Beautiful projects Sandra, I particularly like the photo on your LO - it made me laugh, and love the card and PL page....still not started that yet, but I have convinced myself that a smaller snap album of my holiday is the way to go....as it's smaller :D

  6. Just look at your pooch!! Great photo..made me smile too!! Great projects Sandra and look forward to seeing you next kit xx

  7. You've done a great job with your May kit Sandra. I put what's left back into my stash IF there is anything left - look forward to seeing your June creations :)

  8. I really like how you used so many different papers on that first layout!

  9. I still keep meaning to try and counterfeit a kit... can't believe I have been following that blog since it started but still not made one! Glad you managed to make so much with yours and looking forward to seeing Junes

  10. ...there is a lot of fun to be had just from playing with and combining your stash in different ways!

  11. Looks like you did a fab job with your May kit Sandra x

  12. All your projects are so current and modern - and just pop with crispness! What a fab job you've done. I love everything!

  13. I really love how you've used this kit, it's obviously a method that works well for you x

  14. Love that card and the PL page and other layout are lovely too x

    Looking forward to seeing your June kit x


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