Friday, 22 March 2013

Catching up (again)

Hello again, I know, I'm useless at keeping my blog up to date.  I always feel like I'm chasing my tail with blog reading, and I'm such a believer in, if you blog, then you should do the courtesy to others and read and comment on their blogs.  I so appreciate that I still have kind blog friends that follow and comment on here. 

Still, I have a weekend of nothing planned, so other than stay warm indoors and out of this crazy cold and wintery weather, I'm going to catch up on my blog reading.

All is still going well with Project Life, and yes I'm just loving it to bits. I find its great for those silly photos you wouldn't normally scrap, but that mean a lot to you in your everyday life.  I think because, Simon and I don't have children (ok, yes we do treat our dog like our child ) I struggle to make my pages look interesting, but then again - that's our life, so scrapping the mundane is ok for me.

Anyhow, here are a couple of the latest pages - weeks 9 & 10.


Also, towards the end of last year, I took the plunge and subscribed to Studio Calico kits ... well, I just love them.  They're often papers I would never have bought myself, which is good, as I know it sounds crazy, but I don't mind cutting into them and often, they turn out to be my favourite layouts. I also make sure I keep the latest kit out and at hand, so it's usually the first thing I got to, when the scrapping urge hits me. 

This one I did of Eddie in the back of the car.  He gets so excited when we go to the little house - I think he knows he'll get to run along the sea wall.

Ok, the next layout I share with you, I promise won't be of Eddie ... well, ok, he might be in it ... can I take that promise back? lol.
Thank you again for sticking with me x


  1. Well I nearly fell of my chair when this post popped up! :) I love looking at your project life and really, really love looking at Eddie so I think we should have plenty of layouts featuring him :) x

  2. I think your Project Life rocks!

  3. Really lovely layout and I love your PL pages - I am thinking more and more about doing this next year!! Interesting to hear that you don't have any children - I am in the same position and don't even have a pet as a substitute child. I have actually had people ask me why I bother to scrapbook as I have no family to leave my albums to!!! It is a good job we do lots of weekends away and holidays so that I have things to scrap LOL!! And I love seeing Eddie on your layouts too xx

    1. Karen please do, do project life next year, you'll really enjoy it. I find it sad when you hear people say silly things like that about scrapbooking. Do the things you love and do them for yourself, don't worry what others say x

  4. Aww, I like seeing what Eddies up to:) always nice to hear and see your latest scrapping.

  5. They look lovely pages and not mundane at all. I'm exactly the same and it was great to get so many comments when I posted this week. :0)

  6. I'm loving your Project Life pages.....and it's the perfect vehicle for scrapping the everyday.

  7. I agree with you, its just fab to get comments on your blog...makes it worthwhile to think that someone is reading your posts.

    Love your Project Life pages and your layouts, always gives me a little more inspiration when I see what you have done. x x

  8. Your PL is looking good and I love the layoutbwith Eddie in the car it.made me smile. Keep on blogging

  9. Hi there, lovely LO and PL pages.

    Scrapping is about creating memories so it can be about anything and anyone - I love seeing your LOs of Eddie. I have some LOs of my dog Sandie that are very dear to me.

    Toni xx

  10. Love the project life pages Sandra :) Every life is worth scrapbooking - that's what makes it all so interesting as we are all different and have different lives. Great lo too (but I think I said that already on UKS!)

  11. Well said Jules! Long before I had children, I scrapbooked my holidays and life events - it gave me a feeling of gratitude and appreciation that I had achieved without realising it. Looking back at the memories brings your life into perspective and it is just that now I have two more reasons to scrapbook!

    Love the graphic look of Studio Calico ... kits never really grabbed me that much, but I might aspire to one when I reach the far distant shores of staying at least in touch with the latest trends, though it doesn't bother me too much.

    Such bright happy pages with such interesting detail and I love the colours! Great work Sandra.

  12. I don't know why people say such daft things either! Everyone has a story and they are all worth documenting.
    Fi xx

  13. Love the papers you are using at the moment! I use a Reader (currently switched to Bloglovin so you pop up just like you've never been away! I don't think it matters what people scrap about - its all great as far as I'm concerned :-)

  14. I love it when a new post pops up from you. PL looks amazing and so is your layout - that's a question we are asked over and over when ever we're in the car! xx

  15. I love your Eddie pages...we had dogs for a long time before we had kids and ths what not if our photos are back then...and I think that is what most of the new photos will be for a while when we get the pup in a few weeks....I've been rubbish with my project life.,,,have only done the main LOs so far...oops!!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, I'm just waiting to hear if football is cancelled....pleeeease let it

    Kirsti xx

  16. Well Hello, how lovely to see you again and what beautiful projects you have to show xxxxx

  17. Fab, fab, fab LO's Sandra !! Our furries are well worth scrapbooking as the are members of our family too and we love them sooooo much !!

    hugs Diane xx

  18. I'm thinking about Studio Calico kits how you've used yours..and lovely to see you back!!
    Alison xx

  19. Lovely layout with the Studio Calico kit - I occaionally get one whe someone on UKS sells one!


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