Tuesday, 1 May 2012

In Awe

I'm truly in awe of just how kind, talented people really are.  We've been so lucky with all the people we've got working on Mum & Dads house, not only are they getting on with the job and doing it quickly - but they're really, really nice.  Anyhow, the other day - Simon called in and was chatting with them - and spied some amazing cupcakes that the plasterers wife had made.  Very kindly, Ian, the plasterer saved Simon & I one - anyway, he said as he gave them to Simon .. "oh these are just everyday cakes, I'll get my wife to make some nice ones".  Well trust me, her everyday cakes would put an awful lot of high end cake shops to shame.  So ... long story short.  A few days later ... Ian hands me a box of these stunning, stunning cakes.  The only word I could say was wow! .... and of course like any scrapper ... got my camera out straight away LOL.

I did share them with the neighbours that came in and let Eddie in the garden while on Jury Service, and with Simon  .. so please don't think I ate them all to myself ... although I did have the bulk of them .. but in my defence - they tasted as good as they looked.

If you're on Facebook ... do pop along and see her other cake designs - she's very very talented - based in Woking (and I'm hoping this link works) http://www.facebook.com/#!/cuppycakesdesigns. but if not, you'll find her as her header on facebook are these cakes :) 

I'm almost up to date too on things that have slipped while on Jury Service ... it's so nice to get back into my routine again - even this horrid rain can't stop me from feeling happier.


  1. Those are seriously stunning cakes....a talented lady indeed.

  2. WOW is certainly the right word for them...aren't they amazing. Love the LO.

    Toni xx

  3. I am so glad you are feeling positive Sandra, the rain can certainly get you down, those cakes! WOW are amaizing, they are works of art! I don't think I would have eaten them, they are just so pretty.

  4. Oh yes Sandra these certainly have the WOW factor...not surprised you at nearly all of them yourselves...lol...
    Hugs and stuff to you,
    Kirsti xx

  5. Wow! Indeed! Those cakes are stunning! The papers you've picked go so well with the photo - gorgeous page x

  6. Wow! and the kindness of the gift too..I'm not surprised it gave you a lift. Aren't people nice! Well worth a lovely page

  7. Oh my...that lady is very talented...wish I lived there...my grandaughter would love these!!!
    Great layout...the bunting is a nice touch!

  8. Those cakes are incredible! works of art. And such a lovely layout to show them off!

  9. Those cakes look fabulous and I love your layout. So lovely to see you busy again scrapping, blogging, eating cake!

  10. Gorgeous cakes and LO..great to see you scrapping again!
    Alison xx

  11. Wow they look fabulous what a lovely suprise :)

  12. I can only say wow too..and gorgeous page, love the papers you have used too.

  13. wow they are amazing!! the perfect papers to go with your perfect cakes - what a lovely plasterer you have xx

  14. When I scrolled down to look at the cakes I audibly drew in a breath because they are so stunning. What a beautiful page too to do them justice.

  15. Oh my goodness those cakes look gorgeous and your page does too! I love the lovely papers you used and the bunting is so pretty. Have a great week! Tracey x

  16. Wow, how amazing do they look?! Fab LO to show them off too.

  17. Wow what amazing looking cakes, what a nice surprise! You've matched the photo perfectly to your papers, and the cake-a-licious phrase!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow Sandra - what a gorgeous layout. And those cakes are just amazing

      and I still can't work out how to comment on here. I am such a technophone Luddite!

  18. This are amazing!!!! What a nice surprise and a wonderful page to document the gift.

  19. Two words -'Wow' and 'Yum' :-)

  20. Double wow, once for the cakes and the next for your layout. Beautiful :)(

  21. They really are wow cakes! What a lovely gift :o)
    Fi xx

  22. That really is a stunning layout, why didn't I get a cake? lol x

  23. WOW indeed!
    How kind of her too - off to like her!


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