Tuesday, 24 April 2012

I'm back!

I've been awol for way too long, and for that I'm very sorry. It's not an excuse, but in my defence, I've been on Jury Service - now I know that some would LOVE to do Jury Service, but trust me, I'm not one of them. 

I was lucky in a way, as initially, my letter came and said I would have to go to the Old Bailey - but luckily, on the day I did my trial journey, I got a phone call, asking if I wouldn't mind changing to a local Crown Court.  Well, if the chap asking me had been in front of me, I'd have kissed him LOL. Mind you, I thought stupidly, that by being local, I would only get to do 2 weeks ...ooohhh no! ... 4 weeks later - I'm free again. 

So I am trying to catch up, and find out what you've all been up too - so I'm happy to say I'm back and blog reading again ... and yes, shockingly enough, I'm even feeling quite creative - so watch this space.


  1. I wouldn't want to do it either!!!And it most definately is a good excuse....the best one I've heard for awhile.

  2. Welcome back, we won't 'judge' you by your absence (ha ha get it?) oh never mind:)

  3. Good to have you back Sandra! :)

  4. Oh my goodness, 4 WEEKS. I recently received a questionnaire for an upcoming jury selection, but honestly have my fingers crossed I won't be picked. Glad to see you back & looking forward to seeing some creativity flowing from this space soon! :>)

  5. Welcome back - I would still love to do Jury Service - got out of it once when the kids were small and have never been asked again!

  6. Great to have you back :D and can't wait to see what you are going to create....I'm hoping to manage some creativity as I have some new papers to play with and I must cut them up rather than just look at how lovely they are LOL.

  7. Nice to have you back. Not sure I'd want to be doing jury service for 4 weeks - poor you.

    Toni xx

  8. Welcome back andincreative mode too! That's quite a long time to be doing it - at least it's over now :-)

  9. Four weeks?..I always dreaded being called for Jury Duty, and fortunately never was! Lovely to see you back..looking forward to seeing how your creativity strikes!
    Alison xx

  10. Welcome back Sandra, glad you survived, and look forward to your revived creativity. Amazing how being unable to craft brings back the mojo.

  11. I did wonder how you were getting on! 4 weeks is a long time! Jury service is interesting but all the hanging around bugged me. I just turned 18 when i was called to a local crown court and then again about ten years later.Luckily this time I was studying for work exams so i managed to get out of it. I don't envy you!! Look forward to seeing all your creativities xx

  12. How nice to have you back Sandra. I hope you can find some creative time now the dreaded jury service has finished.

  13. Ooh im not sure if I would like to do that or not! Four weeks is a very long time, I look forward to seeing what you have been making. Tracey x

  14. It's good to have you back Sandra. Four weeks is a long time to take over someone's life.


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