Monday, 23 January 2012

What have I been doing?

Well, I know I've been busy, but busy doing what? That's the question.  I have been to a couple of crops and even more surprisingly, I've actually achieved something at them.

I've also been keeping up with my photo a day.  Although I've not followed any prompts, the photos do show a snapshot of our lives - which was the plan :)  I'm still not 100% sure how to showcase them, and as much as I adore seeing others who are doing Project Life, I'm not quite sure I want to take on that level of commitment - also, I'm not really wanting to buy another album for that.  So I may well do it, but with a slight twist to it ... uuummm, I think that still needs some thought.

Anyhow, a blog I do follow is the lovely and talented Alana, and her blog The Little Blue Shed.  Well each week, missy clever clogs, puts up a mosaic of her week.  Well, I've just loved seeing that, so I asked her how she did it, and to my glee, it's an app.  Well, I love my apps, so yes I downloaded it and if anyone is interested it's called My week in pictures.  Now, getting it on to here was a different story, and again, Alana came to my rescue .... only, she managed to confuse me! LOL ... so instead, I took the easy way out and emailed them to myself.  And here they are; my past few weeks, not the most exciting in the world ... but hey, so far, so good!:)

Week I

It shows; we took down the decorations at the little house, a thursday night crop, a shopping trip to Kingston & we had a skip delivered to start clearing Mum & Dads.

Week 2
It was the lovely Jo's, big birthday at the crop, so of course, she had to be my photo of the day; I got to meet up with my friend Michelanne and her gorgeous little man Jimmy; also, here is a picture of my new iphone case from Cath Kidston (oohh its so pretty)  and oh and we tried to do boiled eggs like Heston makes LOL.

Week 3
The main one is of my friend Emma, who invited myself and a couple of friends for lunch to her place; I also met up with another friend for coffee this week & we spent a lovely weekend at the little house - I had to capture, this photo of the boy who is looking for boats going past the back garden! ... he's such a nosey so and so, I'm sure one day, I'll hear a splash and have to send Simon in to fish him out. LOL. 

Something I have noticed ... I do tend to go out for coffee rather a lot LOL.

I have been creating, so I'll take some photos and show you next.  Please don't think I've fallen off the end of the earth ... I am still here, and yes, still feeling positive about this year.


  1. What a fantastic glimpse into your world! I saw Jo's lovely cake on her blog - it looked delicious

  2. A great start to your Project Life, I'm sure you'll come up with a way to put it all together that suits you. I love seeing little snapshots of life like that, if it was me I'd probably keep forgetting to take the photos!

  3. this is when i wish i had an iphone :) a lovely little insight into your life Sandra x

  4. You'll be pleased you did create this reminder later in the year of what you have been up to. When I joined in with the calendar 365 project a couple of years ago I hoped no one noticed how much I met friends for coffee :) Love your iphone case that new bird design is so nice.

  5. Oooh I am liking the idea of that app Sandra, might have to go and look it up myself.....lovely insight into what you have been up to.

    Jane x x

  6. I love the way you're doing this,Sandra....I may need that app!! I think there'd be a lot of Costa photos if I was doing this project.

  7. Great start Sandra!
    Alison xx

  8. That looks really good - looks like an app to try. I think you are doing a fantastic job and nothing wrong with going out for coffee :0)
    Enjoy x

  9. A great snapshot of your life Sandra, don't you have beautiful friends?!? :) x

  10. He He, well you know me and instructions:) Though to be fair Sandra I did tell you could email it to yourself too.....blows raspberry!!! If only you lived nearer I could show you. Great photos, I think a scrapbook page or two would show them off nicely.

  11. Forgot to say....your dog is super cute and I have a flowery Cath Kidson case, I love it too!

  12. What a lovely idea and some great photos and I want a cath kidson case for my iphone XX

  13. Lovely photo collages! This is a time of year that we don't take many pictures, but we should, winter or not. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, very much appreciated!

  14. What great photos of your weeks. I like the collage format. I noticed these first few weeks of the year that I go out to lunch a lot - I've been out with several friends and dear hubby. A friend emailed me to get together and it was over a week before I had a free date - what's up with that? LOL

  15. Fab collection of photos Sandra - that App has certainly worked for you.

    Nothing wrong with going out for coffee - I need to make more time for that.

    Toni xx

  16. I love the photo collages. I'll have to check out that app, it looks very useful.

  17. Your year looks great so far. Stay positive, you're doing brilliantly.

  18. Love these mini story boards Sandra, what a great way to record your week.

  19. Fabulous Sandra - you have now got me thinking that I should have done this project as I always feel that I haven't done anything all week!! I'm a bit behind now though :(
    And you have to go out for coffee a lot - I'm sure there is a law about it somewhere :D

  20. Love those collages - fab way to record the weeks.

  21. I enjoyed that little peek into your life Sandra. Great job with the photo collages xx

  22. Looks like the boy is enjoying himself and glad to see I am not the only caffeine addict around lol. Love your pages Sandra nice to see you getting back to it x
    Also even though you made Alex cry :P I am giving you a blog award as you are just so lovely really

  23. The collages are brilliant! I must find this app as it looks just the sort of thing I'm after. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations soon.

  24. Well done on keeping up with the photo a day challenge - the collages are a great way to preserve the memories of each week.

  25. What a great idea - I think I need to find that app too ...

  26. Fantastic photos and love all the stories behind them :)


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