Saturday, 31 December 2011

2012 .... Here we come!

To say I'm happy to say goodbye to 2011, is an understatement. It's been a sad sad year for me, and I can't really believe I'm entering a new year without Mum & Dad, but I am, and I have to make the best of it. What it has shown me, is that we have to grab hold of life and enjoy it the best we can. So I'll be starting the new year with hope & a positive attitude. My Moto this year is .... Never save anything for best :)

I would like to say a big thank you to you all, for the kindness and support you've all shown me. My blogging friends rock!

Happy New Year to you all .... And cheers, here's to 2012 being amazing.


  1. Happy New Year Sandra and really I like the attitude of making the best for the future. Enjoy and hugs from here x

  2. I love the motto! Never save anything for best! Wow, I could learn from that. Happy new year

  3. Happy New Year Sandra (and Simon and Eddie x) I hope 2012 is a joyous year for you all xxx

  4. Sandra, I hope that 2012 brings you health & happiness. Wishing you & yours all the very best

    Toni xx

  5. We've had some dark times in 2011, so here's to a brighter 2012 xx Love your motto! So very true.
    Fi xx

  6. Happy New Year to you Sandra. I really wish you the best for 2012 and I do love your motto too.

  7. Happy New year to you Sandra! I love your motto for the year and how true it is. Wishing you a happy 2012 xx

  8. HappY new year Sandra. Great motto and I hope you have a good year in 2012.

  9. Happy New Year Sandra and all the best for 2012.

    Love the motto!!

    Karen x

  10. Wishing you all the very best for 2012!! xx

  11. What a good sentiment to have. Seize the day I say. Here's hoping that you have a much better 2012 oxo

  12. I really really like the title of your post Sandra. What an excellent way to step forward into a New Year. Wishing you all the best in 2012

  13. Happy New Year Sandra - I hope 2012 brings you all that you hope for. A great motto!

  14. Wishing you all the very best for 2012. I like your motto and might carry it with me too. Sending you love across the miles.

  15. Happy New Year Sandra, there's no doubt that this one will be better than the last one. I love your motto

  16. Great motto Sandra....Best Wishes for a brighter, better 2012 xx
    Alison xx

  17. You have had a tough year Sandra...wishing you a brighter 2012 xx

  18. after such a sad year, i wish you a very happy 2012. and with a positive motto like that, i am sure it will be for you xo

  19. Wishing you all the best Sandra for what will be a much better year! Here's to 2012!!

  20. I love that idea of never saving the best for later! We practice it all the time. In fact, we used some of our china dishes for supper last night, just a regular weeknight meal for the two of us.

    Wishing you a lovely new year filled with lots of love & laughter!

  21. Happy New Year Sandra, hope 2012 is a better year for you.

    Love and hugs, Jane xx

  22. Happy New Year Sandra...i hope it's a better year for everyone that deserves it!! It's certainly been a tough year for some...I have lost two people very dear to me as well in the last couple of months:0(

    Wishing you love and happiness for 2012!!

    Kirsti xxx

  23. Indeed - here's to a great 2012 with lots of crafting and chatting and sharing of ideas xx

  24. Happy New Year to you too Sandra, I really hope some nice things happen in 2012 x

  25. happy New Year Sandra. Thanks for stopping by my blog recently and I'm happy to tell you that you've won one of my raks. I have a post in my blog that declares you the winner and the details. Have a great day. :)

  26. Hi Sandra. I hope your year has begun on a positive note and that it will be a very prosperous and healthy one for you. *Ü*
    I attended the funeral of a friend on Thursday and it really brought home and reminded me how we need to be kinder to eachother and treat everyone with love and respect for we all have a burden to bear. I think of you often and hope that you will have many happy memories to treasure. ~Glen~

  27. I hope 2012 brings you much more joy and happiness. You deserve it!

  28. Happy new year...and a great motto, I hope yours is filled with lots of joy and happiness.

  29. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Now I follow your lovely blog.

  30. Happy New Year Sandra!! Wishing you and happy and peaceful 2012 Kx

  31. Thanks for stopping by Sandra. Waiting for when you get your mojo back!

  32. Hi Sandra. Thank you for visiting my blog recently. I hope you are feeling better than of late. *Ü* ~Glen~


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