Sunday, 7 August 2011

The first of my Everydays!

As I said in my previous post, thanks to a video of Shimelles, I want to capture the everyday moments in our lives ... and well, this is one everyday moments that happens throughout my day!

Yup, Google reader.  I'm a firm believer in that if you blog, you should take the time to check out, and reply to other peoples.  We all like to get comments, and I like to give a little thank you back to my friends that inspire me.  So here it is the first of many everyday moments from me.

The layout was actually created for a challenge over on UKS, where you had to scrap in blue, use products you'd been keeping for special and in a size that you don't normally scrap in. Well, 8.5 x 11 was totally new to me, but do you know, I really enjoyed it.  I think, I'll be shopping for that size album soon :)

Ok, back to clearing up and sorting out my craft room for more scrapping ... goodness, what has got into me :)


  1. What a lovely LO Sandra - I've never tried that size page but I've seen a lot in USA magazines.

    Good for you trying something different.

    Toni xx

  2. super layout, i imagine google reader plays a part in many a bloggers life xx

  3. Ooo...FAB layout loving turquoise and another who has been having a crafty clean out this past week! *Ü*
    I have called you several times this week for a 'chin wag' but the phone keeps going to answer machine! Just want you to know that I have been thinking about you. *Ü*. TFS. ~Glen~

  4. Such a great start! I love this layout. I have done a few this size and didn't really click with it, but your page is really gorgeous. lovely colours and it's perfect for the everyday!

  5. Lovely LO...and Google Reader plays an important part in my life too!
    Alison xx

  6. Me too. You are right - it's only becomes a community when everyone contributes. So hurray for this page and the time you spend with your Read (I know I appreciate it!) And I love this size - are you going to do more?

  7. Am loving the blue. I like to scrap in this size occasionally too have you tried any 6x12? Looking forward to seeing more of your 'everyday' scrapping. And your visits and comments are always appreciated :)

  8. Lovely 8.5x11 page! Google Reader is most decidedly a part of my every day life. I agree, blogging is really the most fun when it is a give and take proposition.

  9. I really ought to look into Google reader - I've never really got into it as I don't know what it is but I am going to go and find out!
    Lovely layout - I really like 8.5 x 11. x

  10. Loving the layout, ESP the different stamping emellishments. It's nice together a comment or two and meet like minded crafters. Blogs are great for this.

  11. This layout has a really strong graphic appeal, Sandra - it's beautiful! I like scrapping that size - the albums are a lot less bulky, but sometimes I just scrap in A4 size. Glad you've found some mojo! :)

  12. Lovely LO,I have not done much that size.

  13. I love this page and I am with you on the Google Reader - I spend way too much time on it.

  14. gorgeous LO. I dread to think how much i have to read when i go into google reader, as i havent been on internet again much xo

  15. I'm a fan of blogs, commenting, google reader and 8.5x11 ... goodness, lots to agree on and like today!

  16. I love when people scrap their everyday lives! I started with 8.5x11 and reluctantly went to 12x12 when they start offering so few albums that size. I have been happy to see them being offered more and more the last two years. The layout is lovely. Cannot imagine a blog life with Google Reader. I am trying to work into daily life bec if I don't I find myself with so much to catch up on.

  17. I visit my google reader at least twice a day. Great job capturing a piece of your everyday life.

  18. Gorgeous layout - I love the colour combinations. I try and keep up with all the blogs I read, but what with working full time as well I do sometimes find it difficult! I try and leave one comment on each post each week though.

  19. Oh wonderful! What a fabulous idea! I love blog hopping and leaving a little blog love it is just wonderful seeing all that amazing creativity out there. But I don't always have the time to do it :( So I try to pop around when I can. Kim

  20. Hi Sandra, so sorry it took me a while to get back to your blog. I have been so busy. This is such an elegant and beautiful scrap page. Really gorgeous in that blue and i adore the details around the pic.
    hugs June x
    ps if you want a collage image freebie, i created one just for my followers to grab on my fun friday at Dezinaworld blog. Just pop by and help yourself :)

  21. I think your layout is fabulous! I do use this size every now and then, I like my D-ring binders for this very reason, you can make whatever size lo you want and add it. I agree as well about the commenting, it sure gives a community feel when it's reciprocated.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x