Saturday, 30 April 2011

Wasn't it Beautiful

I've been missing my blog reading for a few weeks ... and I'm hoping this bank holiday weekend, to make up for that. I'm really looking forward to catching up with everyone and see what's happening.  But of course I couldn't let this post go without mentioning "The Wedding".  I'm a HUGE fan of the Royal Family, and so was in my element, and i've watched re-runs of it again and again.

Of course, I can't let such an occasion go without a spot of decorating I bought the tea towel, the  mug, the bunting, cupcake holders .... the list goes on :) ... but what can I say, those that know me, wouldn't expect any less from me LOL.  I decorate for all occasions, Summer, Winter, Easter - even when England was in the world cup ... I was the girly that bought the football bunting and put it up .. ok, it came down a bit too soon, but hey, no one can say I don't behind a theme.

So let me share a few photos with you of our home through the wedding season


Enjoy your weekend and I'm hoping to catch up with your blogs and I'm going to try my best to be a better blogger too xxx


  1. We enjoyed watching all the TV wedding coverage too.
    My daughter even took photos of the happy couple on the tele !!
    Love all your royal bits & pieces xxx

  2. What a great collection of keepsakes.

    Love your bunting, it is beautiful.

    By the way, I was another 'girly' with all the footie stuff up LOL

    Toni :o)

  3. Wow, you certainly went all out! LOL It all actually looks fantastic and I'm glad you were able to celebrate the wedding in style!

  4. Looks like you went to town Sandra. It was a lovely wedding and your bunting is great.

  5. Wow - an amazing collection - love the bunting and union jack cupcake cases are fab :)

  6. apologies not union jack cupcases as they are obviously on a cupcake and not a union flag cupcake cases :D

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Haven't been by in a while, so this is what you've been up to! I love it. Especially the bunting & the cake decorations! I've been having a good mooch around your other posts too. I love how elegant you make everything look. I wish I had your taste & talent. But with 2 boys it wouldn't last long anyway!! Hope you are keeping well.
    Big Hugs,
    Andie xx

  8. Wow Sandra. It all looks gorgeous. I love the bunting and those case decorations are so sweet

  9. Love your decorations, perfect surrounding for watching the wedding!


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