Monday, 24 January 2011

Happy New Home Card

My closest friend has just moved house ... and all I can say, is WOW what an amazing home she is going to have :) it's been a struggle, and a long time in the works, but now the dust is settling (and boy, does she know it LOL) it's going to be fabulous. 

Anyway, I made this little card, using the silhouette - oh how I love that little machine. 

I'm hoping to have a few more cards made this week, and also finish off my page from the Ali Edwards, one little word, so fingers crossed, I'll have more to share with you.


  1. cooool card! it has a door and a tiny doorknob even! x

  2. Gorgeous card - she'll love it - I love all the detail with the chimney and flower box and birds....really pretty.

  3. Great card, love all the little details, it makes it very special, I'm sure she'll be thrilled with it!

  4. I love the little bird detail. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    ......and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog :)

  5. Love the card Sandra and loving the blogging - my turn next lol

  6. Aww.... So cute! I just *love* the birdie :-)


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x