Wednesday, 12 January 2011

52Q Challenge

This year, I'm going to try and take myself out of my comfort zone ... and also join in with a few more challenges.  So I was really pleased when over on UKS I saw the 52Q Challenge - it was run some years ago by Emily Falconbridge, and the questions are going to be the same, but I didn't follow it then, so I thought, why not.  For this challene, I'm going to try my best and keep my answers craft related, although, I'm sure for some of the questions, I won't be able to;

So the question for week 1 was ... Your hopes for 2011

The words on the back read; "I hope in 2011 to be more creative and leave that comfort zone"
Week 2; Am I scared of Change
The back reads; This question couldn't be better for me - My word for 2011 is CHANGE, so am I scared of it? ... YES and NO.

As you can see, I'm doing mine as index cards - I'm not sure if I'll end up decorating the box, finding another to fit them in, or somehow binding them .. but I'll cross that bridge at the end.


  1. Great start and I love your index card idea they'll make a great finished project.

  2. They look gorgeous Sandra. I can't wait to see them all, I think you might have inspired me to give it a go! x

  3. Ohh, I saw this and am going to join in too. Fab idea to make index card size, looking good.

  4. Your cards look great Sandra! It will be a fantastic project to look back on at the end of the year. :D

  5. Love index cards! They look great already - enjoy the challenge x

  6. I love the sound of this project, and I love how you're doing it :-) (Gorgeous alpha stickers, btw!)

  7. Love how your 52Q is looking Sandra x

  8. Hi Sandra, Just wanted to say thanks for all your well wishes, I really appreciate it. Simone xx

  9. Hi Sandra,
    Hello my friend, Happy New Year! I'm ashamed I'm only now sending you my best wishes! Just been perusing your posts this year. Love your organiser idea & the photo on the front is gorgeous. I think this is a lovely idea too. Kind of like a diary in scrapbook form. But hey, don't go changing too much, you're lovely just the way you are!
    Big Hugs!
    Andie xx
    PS. Your blog looks fab!

  10. I am inspired by your creativity Sandra but I don't make New Year's resolutions! They don't work for me. I just try to do my best at everything! *Ü* I think I overcommit myself every year and want to do soo much and if I don't achieve it, I feel I have let myself down! I LOVE your blog background - very pretty. Thank you for all of your lovely comments that you leave me. I really appreciate your support. *Ü* ~Glen~

  11. Beautiful cards - love all the stamping and inking. Great challenge to do too and change is a good word for the year, it's something I am often scared of too :). Love the new look to your blog too.

    TFS Kat

  12. These are fab Sandra - looking forward to seeing them as you do them


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