Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Wishing all my friends a very happy New Year .... and I promise to be a better blogger in 2011 (well that's just one of my new year’s resolutions).

Cheers ... and my this year bring you every crafting happiness.


  1. Happy New Year Sandra !! You it would be nice to see what you are upto !!
    Thanks for all the lovely comments you leave on my blog.

    hugs Diane xx

  2. Hope you don't break that resolution Sandra:)
    Looking forward to seeing more blog posts too.

  3. Happy New Year to you Sandra...thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog about my calendar..I have loved doing it...Kirsti xx

  4. Happy New Year Sandra!!!!
    Love Susan x

  5. Happy New Year Sandra and heres to lots of cafting in 2011 x x

  6. Hi Sandra!
    Thank you so much for the nice words about my blog!
    The thingy on the bottome of the page is not virus! Just a new thing to get new visitors to your blog :)
    Happy new year!
    hugs from Kristine :)

  7. Hi Sandra...thanks for stopping by! Happy New Year & I'd love it if you'd join in with us at From Screen 2 Scrap...I'll keep an eye out for your take on the challenge!! BTW I'm loving how your blog looks....very pretty indeed!

  8. Happy New Year to you too Sandra - I also resolve to keep my blog up to date so we can nag each other to stay on the straight and narrow

    Suzy x

  9. Happy New Year to you Sandra, I hope it's a happy and healthy one for you and yours and contains lots of Crafty fun!

  10. And a very happy new year to you, too :-) I hope 2011 is good to you! xx


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x