Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Party Invites

I'm a fan of gadgets ... that's well known.  So I really enjoyed making the invitations for a family party that we're having at our little house.  It's partly to celebrate Christmas, and partly to celebrate the house being loved again.  Anyway, these invitations were cut from a download from SVG cuts and have been sent out to family groups rather than individuals ... which may actually mean that we've got a little over 40 people coming!!!  I'll panic nearer the time as to how we'll get everyone in LOL.

Anyway, I really enjoyed making these - mind you these were the 2nd try - the first lot my mother in law didn't feel were christmassy enough - she likes traditional colours and wanted holly leaves, so now that I know how to fill a page with the same cut, which means I have so many holly leaves that I can do the invitations all over again .. and again ... and again.


  1. ooh very christmassy :-0 the holly leaves look real! very pretty cards x

  2. How lovely! Any scrapbookers among your friends and relations? One of those deserves to land on a layout :)

  3. Yes good idea Sian! Traditional meets modern, love the shape of the invites.

  4. These are lovely Sandra - and what a fantastic idea for a party at your little house - a great way to celebrate all your work there.

  5. These are beautiful Sandra - I love the traditional colours. I bet its a great party

    PS Have you recovered from your fall off the chair earlier at me actually blogging lol

    Suzy x

  6. They look fab Sandra, very Christmassy. The party sounds like great fun too xx

  7. Wow! These look fab
    Hope you all enjoy the party :)

  8. beautiful, love the frames and the colours and the holly...think that makes it the whole invite :) hope you have a great party.


  9. These are gorgeous and very Christmassy Sandra. I hope you have a wonderful time - I am sure the party will be fab and the little house will enjoy all the attention :)

  10. Wow, these are lovely! Sorry it's taken me so long to visit your blog, life has got in the way of blog hopping lately (bleh!) - but I'm very happy to be here now :-)

  11. Beautiful! Sorry you had to make 2 sets. :)


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