Friday, 5 February 2010

I can find them now!

Well what on earth happened?? In my last post I was bursting with pride that I had been a good blogger - and then what .... nothing!  Well I've given myself a good talking too - and my friend Hazel (oh dear if she reads the word friend I might never hear the last of it LOL) has nagged me.  So I'm back on the blogging trail again.

I had been looking for a way to store my clear stamps, so that I could find them easily.  At first I had them in a clear A4 wallet - but to be honest, that just wasn't working for me.  I really need to see them in front of me and then it gives me the push I need.  Anyway, I found this box while clearing out my craft room, and did a quick make-over on it, using off cuts and all the lovely embellishments that I'd found in my clear up :)  I then sorted out my stamps into categories ... yes, I am that sad!  And stamped labels on the top of each acetate sheet. 

Now I really have no excuse :)


  1. An excellent idea :) (And I like a bit of sorting myself. In fact I can spend quite a bit of time on it..) Keep on blogging Sandra!

  2. Brilliant idea and it looks pretty too! I love haveing a good sort out, in fact I have just had one today.

  3. Well you needed to have a stern word with yourself! Love the box and err excuse me where's your challenge lo?

  4. Fantastic idea, it look lovely

  5. Well Sandra

    You are putting me to shame. I have neglected my blog recently. I must get my finger out and get some blogging done instead of all this hopping around

    I love your stamp storage idea and may pinch this for myself once I get sorted out in the dark hole that is the craft room


  6. Very pretty storage box Sandra... I would need about 10 of those for the amount of stamps I

  7. Welcome back! Love your blog header - it's beautiful!

  8. This is a fab idea and you've done it so well. Shock, horror! I don't have enough stamps to warrant this. I know! But yours is gorgeous!

  9. After my buying spree at my (first) craft fair, I have enough stamps to have a go at this - what a great idea... and you do it so prettily too. It really is lovely - an excuse to keep stamps out on display.

  10. love that box... so organised, I'm feeling guilty now.

  11. Very well done on getting organised - don't want to come and sort mine do you? LOL. Box is really pretty too :)

  12. what a good idear now I feel even more untidy

  13. Fantastic idea and it looks so pretty in that lovely box. Now you can stamp away to your hearts delight:)

  14. Fan-flippin-tastic!!! Oh I am sooooo going to use that idea!!!


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