Thursday, 29 December 2016

Week 52

A lovely Christmas was had for sure.
We started the week at the little house, but had to come home as the bears had a visit to the groomers.   Honestly, we laughed so much when we saw the photo of them that they put up on Facebook of them ... no wonder they sulk when we pick them up.

Luckily for me, I ordered from the Emma Bridgewater sale on the first morning it started, and I couldn't believe me luck it was delivered before Christmas.

I was also very lucky with my deliveries as my project life album from Hey Little Magpie came too ... yes I know, I've not finished 2016's album but I'm still not giving in with this amazing project.

Finally Christmas day arrived and we spent it at home with my cousins, and my very very VERY talented hubby cooked an amazing dinner.

Lastly, our bears are calendar stars, yup, they're November's pin up bears.

There you have it .... our Christmas was lovely, and I hope yours was too.


  1. Well done to Simon with his cooking.
    You were very lucky with your deliveries - a friend was told that something she ordered on line would be with her the Wednesday before Christmas...on the Thursday she got an email telling her it would arrive by 9th Jan!!!
    I love the photos of the bears. They look adorable in their Santa outfits.
    Have a fabulous New Year Sandra and I hope 2017 is a great one for you & yours.
    Toni xx

  2. Oh, it sounds like a wonderful Christmas! And aren't the bears too cute! These weekly posts have been lovely this year - such a great way to keep up with what's happening in your world. Here's to lots of FUN blogging in 2017!

  3. and don't the bears look adorable in their Santa outfits. Happy New Year.

  4. I always love seeing your Christmas pictures because I know how much you love it! Wishing you and Simon and the Bears all the very best for the New Year. Have a great one x

  5. Love the Bears' Santa suits! I always look forward to your weekly round ups, can you believe we're ready to start week one again?!

  6. The Bears look amazing! It looks and sounds like you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year to you and Simon x

  7. Lovely pictures Sandra. Wishing you, Simon and the bears a Happy New Year, hope 2017 is filled with lots of lovely things xx


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