Monday, 12 December 2016

Week 50

A very important event happened in our home this week .... The bears turned 2
I won't lie, its not been easy.  I hear loads of others saying how puppies change their lives ... and that's true for sure, and maybe its different for me, as I've had two ... but they've been a challenge for sure, and we're still having "issues" (think adolescence and twins at that), but seriously, I love them more than I could ever tell you.  They're loud and noisy, little dirt magnets, and bark at nothing (latest obsession is our fireplace), but they're the most loving dogs I have ever ever known.  Simon and I adore them totally.

Ok, next things. I've written my cards and posted them. I've feed my cake more sherry; more decorations have gone up .... 5 trees, at the last count, and I attended the last crop of the year.

All in all a lovely week.  Simon has one more week at work and then off until the new year.

Have a lovely week, dear friends


  1. Happy birthday to the bears - don't they look adorable looking up at the camera.
    The decorations are looking good too.
    Toni xx

  2. Happy birthday Bears :) It looks like you had a really lovely week x

  3. Wow, two years already!! Sounds like it's been FUN & challenging. Hope you're having a lovely week!


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