Monday, 24 October 2016

Week 43

Ok, someone stop the weeks from rushing by! ... Goodness, how can I be showing you week 43 already.
So here are the highlights. I've managed to get my first set of Christmas catalogs, which means countdown can really start.  It also means I better get a handle on my Christmas baking, so this week I've been practicing.  

I also met a good friend for a coffee in a local garden centre.  Also this week a Facebook group I belong too, said that TK Maxx were selling Sophie Allport Aga hob covers, I managed to get one, so the hunt begins for a second.  

My highlight though was that Simon treated me to my very first Jo Malone candle. I'm over the moon, as I've always wanted one.  I've just got to get my nerve up to burn it lol. 

A lazy week for me, this coming week, so hoping to work on my blog while more baking.  


  1. Aah sounds like a great week. (well after my little moan to you about lack of mojo - I've got my bum in gear and things are happening!! except now its half term so it will probably go a bit backwards now lol - oh well not to worry!!) Enjoy the rest of the week xxx

  2. Loved the snaps. I've been in candle acquisition mode around here lately too. Fall and spring always does that for me. Have a good week.

  3. I love candles and have been taking advantage of the massive sale that has been going on at my local candle shop.
    Sounds like you are going to have fun with your baking.
    Toni xx

  4. There's no point in having a Jo Malone candle and not enjoying it! Go on, light it - they last for ages and you'll love the aroma it gives the whole house.

  5. I like the print on the hob cover - fingers crossed there is a second one to be found (quickly). I like candles but with two very curious fur girls, candles will be enjoyed while visiting others (col). Happy week ahead & enjoy browsing those Christmas catalogues.

  6. It looks like a lovely week, I keep popping in to TK Maxx to see if they've got any covers in yet xx

  7. I love candles too. Those special fragrances and aroma that it's bring inside the house are amazing. It's so nice to see how much fun you had last week. Great pictures!!!!!

  8. The JO Malone bag is almost as much of a treat as what's inside, isn't it?


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