Monday, 17 October 2016

Week 42

Was one of the those weeks, when you have so much planned and don't quite know where to start.  The house was in a real pickle after my painting at the weekend, so first thing first was to get it put back in place.  Happily to say, that I'm getting there.  The only room left to sort out, is the back bedroom. 

So here's a quick update.  It was the 5 year anniversary of Dad's passing on Wednesday.  This year for some reason, I've been finding it really hard being without them.  On our usual Monday R&D', Emma gave me an African Violet, as it was Mum's favourite (there may have been tears), but it honestly means so much to me to have friends like her in my life. 
Laura Ashley delivered a gorgeous armoire that I got in their sale. Oh I love it, and I've spent many a happy hour faffing with china in it.

We also attended an Aga demonstration on spicy foods, not bad, and one of the recipes I tried on Friday, when Colin and Maria came over for dinner.
The bears had a visit to the groomers. They get so so scared, so I really need to groom them more at home.

We then went to the little house on Saturday morning. I had to return a library book, and the weather was lovely, and we had the most amazing sunrise, on the Sunday.

First fire too of the winter at the little house, and then came home on Sunday, and had one here.

There you have it ... another week done and closer to Christmas.


  1. An anniversary with a special number shouldn't really be any harder than any other, and yet for some reason it is. I've been thinking about you and cheering you on x

  2. Lovely photos.
    The Works have a few Aga recipe books in their sale, you might be interested in having a look.
    That fire looks lovely and cosy.
    Toni xx

  3. Ah those special heart anniversaries, who is to say why one year over another is harder. Love.
    All that coziness at both your homes is SOOOO inviting.

  4. Gorgeous photos as always and sending a big hug to you!! Can I ask you a bit of an odd question but do you ever have issues staying motivated and getting stuff 'done' I'm at home alone during the day and really suffering at the moment and I'm wondering if its just me or if other people go through this as well :-) xxx

    1. Oh goodness yes Ali, I do. A lot of people don't understand but sometimes all the ideas are overwhelming, which has a knock on effect where to start. Also I think you're similar to me and I'm at home on my own too, and I need someone to get me motivated and a kick to get me going. I am a list maker and before I used to write up long to do lists ... now I set myself a target of getting 3 things done, but if I don't, I don't let myself get too hung up on it. Maybe we should set ourselves a challenge lo xx

    2. Thanks Sandra, its good to know I'm not the only one - you do question if its just me - a challenge sounds good :-) xx

  5. Your house is looking so lovely, I'm surprised it hasn't appeared in a magazine x

  6. So glad you found some comfort during a tough anniversary. I just can't imagine how difficult it must be at times!

    I always enjoying seeing your weekly photos. Of course, this week the Minion caught my eye. :)

  7. Fabulous armoire! I do enjoy seeing the results of your "faffing", so keep it up.


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