Monday, 8 August 2016

Week 32 ... The week that was

just for pottering around. 

I would like to have shared a photo of Sasha, who belongs to Maria, my next door neighbour. I was going in and feeding her, while they were on holiday, but sadly Sasha only makes her presence known to me in the form of empty bowls and a full litter tray lol.  I'm sure she knows my voice, which could be an indication of why she went into hiding, but I do love chatting with her, while I'm sorting out her amenities. 

So other than that, not a lot happened during the week
I enjoyed sitting on the new garden furniture in between rain showers and some new china that I ordered for the little house, arrived just in time for our visit.  

We have then spent a long weekend at the little house. Sadly Simon wasn't too well on Thursday evening, or Saturday evening. So it's been a very lazy chilled out visit.  I did manage to do some sewing, and in between bouts of illness, we took the bears walking along the sea wall.  

Not a lot planned for this week, but as its started off on a nice note, with an extra day being spent at the little house. 

Wishing you all a lovely week friends. 


  1. I hope he's feeling a lot better very soon. Fingers crossed that fresh sea air helps.

    I love your crafting space there..especially that peg board

  2. I hope Simon is feeling much better.

  3. I hope your fella has recovered. Those dishes are sweet!

  4. Sorry to hear that Simon has been poorly.
    The new china looks lovely and the view from your seating area is fabulous.
    Enjoy the week.
    Toni xx

  5. Hope Simon is feeling better x your sewing area looks lovely and organized xx

  6. It's nice to see the bears keeping an eye on poorply Simon, they know when your not well. Hope he picks up soon Sandra.

    Love the selfie of you and bears !!

    hugs Diane xx

  7. I hope Simon is feeling much better now. I love your little sewing/crafty nook. I'll be taking inspiration from that once the Room of Doom is cleared out.

  8. Sometimes it's nice to have a slow week to recharge the batteries, I'm so glad Simon is feeling better now xx


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