Friday, 1 July 2016

Goodbye June .... Hello July

It can't be possible can it? July already, but not that you'd know it from looking out of the window.  I say looking out, as stepping outside actually involves wellies and a rain mac.

Ok, so how was June, other than wet.
Well ... it started off in the most delightful way. Betty Blue was installed, and I've loved cooking with her, and yes, I need to be careful as the weight is going on lol.

I met up with lovely friends for coffee and also at a crop.  We started dog training classes (again) and decided enough is enough. They are who they are, and I've just got to go with the flow. I don't need them to be show dogs, they've got such great personalities, I just need to embrace that.

Emma Bridgewater sale started and I was a bit late looking, by 30 minutes, and most of the bits had sold out, that will teach me.

We attended a cooking demo at the Aga shop, and have one each month I believe until the end of the year, so I'm happy.  I'm also happy that I picked up a new cook book for 1p, no less.  From the Amazon Marketplace.

Of course it was the EU referendum was last month (enough said); and the bears managed to get in some garden time too ... in between rain shower.  And some very very sad news was that Ben, the gorgeous dog that lives opposite us, and was Molly's true love, had to be put to sleep.  It was all very sudden, and he will be missed so much. He really was a gentle giant and loved so much.

There you have it. I'm so hoping July is a sunnier and warmer month, I can't believe we had the log burner alight at the end of June.

Enjoy your weekend friends


  1. Lovely photos Sandra.
    I've tried so hard not to have the heating on but admit that it has gone on three times this past month - obviously not a good June temperature-wise. I too am hoping for a much improved July as I'm getting fed-up of arriving home with wet feet because our street is awash with the rain.
    Have a great weekend.
    Toni xx

  2. It has poured here all day. Maybe it's not really July after all. Maybe we're imagining it..

  3. Oh, Ben reminds me a bit of Alfie :( luckily the good in your month far outweighed the bad xx

  4. Such a nice look at your month!


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