Saturday, 25 June 2016

A New Chapter

As I explained a few weeks ago, I decided that I wanted my blog to evolve into something more than just crafting, or posting about my week that was. At first, I thought, maybe start a new blog based on my home and decorating plans, but really that's crazy.  I've lovely friends here, and I feel comfortable .... so with that in mind, I'm growing this little space of mine.
Hopefully not only will I blog more now, but it will encourage me to make the changes to our home that I have planned. 

We're certainly starting off on a good foot.  Simon has wired up some lights for the garden, and I must say, they're looking lovely.  We also did a little garden centre shopping today, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rain will stay away long enough for me to plant up my tubs. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I hope you'll stick with me with this little change, and I'll be back on Monday with my weekly pictures as normal. Of course, when and I won't say if, any crafting takes place, I'll still be sharing that with you. 


  1. The lights look beautiful Sandra - great job Simon.
    Toni xx

  2. Love your blog so I'm glad you are staying putt lol - Your lights look fab and I look forward to your future posts xx

  3. We've been talking about stringing some lights on our patio. I'm enjoying seeing a variety of things here on your blog - so inspiring!

  4. Look forward to whatever direction the blog takes - those lights are so pretty, I have been thinking about some solar lights in the garden for a little while, I need something sparkly and twinkly to cheer me up LOL!!


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