Saturday, 3 January 2015

A Wonderful Month

December really was a fabulous month.
And not just because certain puppies were born.  But it was one of socializing with family and friends; It included a family party at the Little house, a dinner at the Livery Company and our good friend Mary's (who's hubby was our best man) turned 50.

But wait, I hear you say ... Puppies were born! .... Err, yes, slight change of plan.  We went today to meet Bertie and well, fell in love with his sister too ... so at the end of this month, beginning of next, Bertie and Molly will be joining us; and I couldn't be more excited.

I'm thinking that maybe Molly is going to be a Daddy's girl 

And here is Bertie getting a bit squished x

Its certainly a great start to the year, and I have some ideas mulling around in my head with ways to make sure I blog more ... and also, I think I'll share with your some of my crafting  and decluttering plans next time, that way it will also keep me on track. 

Right, better get back to my puppy training books I think x


  1. Looks like you have had a wonderful month and those puppies are just so adorable, I look forward to seeing lots more of them on the blog x

  2. Oh my goodness, they are so adorable. Hoping that 2015 is a wonderful year for you. You're off to a great start.

  3. OMG Sandra!! 2 pups you are as mad as me lol they look so sweet!! Happy New year to you both xx

  4. Wonderful photos Sandra and your fur babies look adorable. The additions to the family will give you plenty of scrapping opportunities and reasons to blog.
    Happy New Year to you & Simon.
    Toni xx

  5. you will have your hands full in 2015 then..they are super cute x

  6. Looks like y'all will have a great year with two new additions!

  7. There's no better way to start a new year than with a bit of puppy love x

  8. You're certainly going to be busy....they look adorable.

  9. loving those puppies......can I come visit and play when you have them???

  10. Aww I can't wait to come and steal, oops I mean see, the puppies :) Happy New Year to you and Simon xx

  11. Oh wow I am soooooo jealous Sandra, but also soooooo happy for you sweetie !! Are Bertie and Molly fox wire haired terriers ?? You really have two wonderful bundles of trouble and can't wait to see thier adventures.....

    hugs Diane xx

  12. Two puppies? Oh, wow, Sandra, how lovely. You're going to be busy..

  13. December looks like it was full of joy. And those pups are adorable.

  14. You are going to be one busy lady!! Xx


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