Monday, 1 December 2014

Goodbye November .... Yippppppppeeeeeeeeeee its December

November, you were a fabulous month for sure ... but oh I'm soooo excited that it's December. 

This weekend our decorations went up, it only took 3 days and 15 really useful boxes to go through ... but we're there. But today's post is all about thanking November for being a good month 

It was about celebrating Simon getting signed off from the hospital, baking Christmas cakes (so far two). The first frost of the winter, seeing the poppies, and then receiving them, new sofa delivery, catching up with crafting friends. (thanks Jo, for trying to teach me crochet, but maybe next time we don't chat as much lol xx) and generally having a good month. 

So here we are 1st of December, and so much to look forward too, so have a fabulous week friends, and catch you soon xx


  1. I'm sure you'll get the hang of crochet with a bit of practice.
    The decorations look lovely.
    Toni xx

  2. Hurray for December's arrival! Hope it's a great one for you.

    Yes, definitely keep going with the crochet. It's easy to take it back and do a bit again and I'm loving it

  3. You look like you had a fab month! I am dying to learn to crochet but I definitely learn by being shown so need a friend to come and teach me!

  4. ha, we have a new sofa..looks to be the same colour as yours!! Happy December to you and Simon x x

  5. It looks like you had a great month. I hope your December is brilliant x

  6. I truly hope December is just as good for you!

  7. So glad that your November was terrific, wishing you the same in December.

  8. A great look at your November! I'm excited it's December, too, but not nearly done with my decorations as we returned home from our trip last weekend & I've already had a couple of Christmas events to attend (& gifts to make for them!). Now I'm traveling again to see my niece in a theater production of It's a Wonderful Life . . . it truly is a wonderful life, the decorations will be there when I get back, right!


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