Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Week in the Life ... Day 2

Day 2 saw me working at Simon's office again (last time this week)... so yes, a few coffee's, but it's fun just to take the everyday things that make up our life.

So here is just a brief snapshot of my day.

See you tomorrow ... thanks for sticking with me.


  1. Another great set of photos :)

  2. Do you know? I thought the writing on the side of that box said "Tokyo Toad"!! If you don't need a pack of vintage sheet charm squares then you'll be quite safe clicking on my link!

  3. oooo you do like your Starbucks - a first for me but this weekend I will be going to the nearest Starbucks to our crop for breakfast - now what do you recommend I have LOL!!

  4. I love those Slimming World bars.

  5. Great snapshots of your day x

  6. A working day has to start with a Starbucks LOL - have you tried the Pumpkin Spiced Latte?
    Toni xx

  7. A lovely little glimpse into your day

  8. great photos. i hope you managed to sort out Simon's office for him x

  9. I thought the recipe book yesterday was an SW one - now it's confirmed - gotta love SW!


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