Monday, 4 August 2014

Goodbye July

What a busy month July was, one of real lows and happy highs, and when I look back it all seemed to happen so quickly.

It started with the 3 year anniversary of losing Mum, a lot of sewing was done this month ... from the little house being a building site, to us moving back in. Simon's Mum spent a weekend with us in Epsom, we also attended the Farnborough Air Show; lots of furniture up-cycling and our 26th wedding anniversary ... yup, July you were full speed ahead. Please August, be just a tad slower.

Have a great week friends.


  1. Three years Sandra? oh, my..x

    yes, let's hope August goes slow

  2. Looks like it got happier as the days rolled on :)
    Happy August!

  3. Better busy than bored - hope that August has some breathing spaces!

  4. Hope you enjoy August....and it stays summery.

  5. Yes July has certainly flown by but look at all the fab achievements you have made. The little house is looking wonderful.
    Toni xx

  6. I agree July seemed to fly by in a blink of an eye. You seemed to have done so much - as usual!

  7. It does sound like a full-speed month! We had a funeral this month and LOTS of travel, so I'm hoping August is much slower, too!

  8. A busy month but nice to look back and realise you've lived the month to the full :)


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