Thursday, 2 May 2013

Embrace the Everyday

I’m including as part of my project life journey a series of layouts, under then heading Embrace the Everyday. Its literally going to be photos of our everyday goings on where journaling isn’t always needed.  Not only will it be fun to look back on, but hey, I get to play with pretty paper, so that can’t be bad.
The layout I want to share with you, is actually a page from my filofax! … I know, not the most exciting thing in the world. But I love my filofaxes, I'm addicted; I have one in my handbag, and this one, which is the one I keep at home; it’s the one that I write my daily to do lists, birthdays, menu plans, shopping lists etc.

The layout was based on this sketch


As you can see I kept pretty much true to the sketch. The title was cut on my trusty silhouette, as was the bunting - I don't think a day goes by without me cutting something on the machine. I know it's certainly helping to make me feel more creative.

I have a head full of creative ideas swimming around me at the moment, and that’s in no small part thanks to Julie Kirks, blogging series. I still have posts to catch up on, but it’s amazing, do check it out, and although she's reached her target for her chosen charity (which I think is the one of the best charitys going) :) ...  she can always use more money for them.  So do pop by and look, you won't regret it.


  1. Gorgeous layout, I love the colours that you've used. I've been reading Julie's blog series, it's really good x

  2. Love this Sandra x
    Think we need a Silhouette appreciation team ;) where we can all rave about how fab they are :D

  3. A great idea for a page! I've pinned it for future use if that's ok?! I have lists, notebooks, diarys, menu plans to run my everyday life ... but not a filofax!!

  4. Fantastic Sandra !! I really like the idea of the written backing paper. Think I will try that myself when I have time !!

    hugs Diane xx

  5. I LOVE that doily bunting!
    Alison xx

  6. A gorgeous layout, so pretty, never think to use my machine to cut a title - doh!!

  7. Great job with the sketch - a lovely layout. I am a total list maker and keep everything with my calendar!

  8. wow totally gorgeous Sandra - the deep red really stands out and the title is just amazing x

  9. Totally LOVE this's gorgeous...doily bunting so cute..xx

  10. I love this Sandra, and isnt it good to document the everyday things.

    Julies series hae been excellent and hasnt it rejuvenated a lot of blogs

  11. Love this layout! Great title work!

  12. What a super LO Sandra and that background was perfect for the subject.

    Thanks for the comment on my post about e-readers...nothing will ever convince me that they should 'replace' books - it is lovely to flick though a book and just the process of turning a page has something about it...but they are convenient for travelling (there's no way I would carry 2 large paperbacks to and from work LOL).

    Look forward to seeing the photos of hand over of the album.

    Toni xx

  13. Wonderful layout, love your layering and colors! I use my Silhouette all the time, too.

  14. I absolutely LOVE this page Sandra. The colours, your background paper, everything about it :) Well done! You were asking about all the 52 card challenges. Here is the link so you can see them all;
    Iron Man 3 was great btw - would thoroughly recommend it!

  15. I thought you must have had a Silhouette! I've seen a lot of wonderful titles around lately, and your layout is the one that pushed me over the edge - I have now sold my Cricut, nearly half of my cartridges and I will get a Silhouette when we are settled in Aus with some change to spare! This is a brilliant page - just love, love love it!

  16. This is really beautiful Sandra! I love my Silhouette too. Thank you for lovely comments on my blog this week :-)


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