Thursday, 16 May 2013

Album Update

Firstly I’d like to say sorry if you haven’t seen me commenting on your blog posts for the past few days, I’m having a nightmare with commenting on my iPad.  For some reason it keeps telling me, that I've been blocked from commenting because of a firewall, or that the blog has blocked me .... Please don’t shut me out LOL. 
I’m hoping to get this sorted out soon, but I have been stopping by, and on several blogs, have tried to comment up to 4 times, and then given up.  But trust me … I’ll get there in the end.
Ok, here are a couple of projects I’d like to share with you.
First is the wedding album for my cousin. I handed it over to her today, and was so touched by her sheer pleasure of it – I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Even her husband shocked me, he had tears in his eyes. The reason I say all this, is they’re not really crafty people.  So sometimes, I worry when making something for someone, they’ll just look and say … uumm very nice and put it to one side. But they didn’t at all and for that reason, I’m walking around with a huge smile on my face right now.
So … here are a few of the pages. I kept the album pretty simple, and most of the pages were the same – papers and a border punch. Then ever so often I added some blossoms and bling. Well, with 50 photos, I really did find this was the only way to get it done.

Next up, is the cover of my Smash book …. I’m loving playing with smash books at the moment. This one is just for sheer fun. Sometimes, I want to make something, but not for anything in particular … say, I’ll stamp an image and play around with that, but it’s not for a card really; or I’ll think of an idea for something to go on this blog or pull an idea from a magazine … well, all those sort of things will go in this smash book.  And I do have a page already I’ll share with you at a later date, but for now here is the cover. 

Right, that’s it from me for now … I’m hoping to sort out my iPad this evening, I’ve done the usual, switch it off, switch it on again; checked my software is up to date; I’ve shaken it; told it off, and even screamed at it.  None of this has worked, so now I’ll hand it over to Simon this evening and he’ll do something really quick and obvious and it will work! … you just know that’s the case, don’t you.  So I apologise now if I don’t comment over something since Monday, but fingers crossed it will all work out.


  1. I'm not surprised that they love's gorgeous,Sandra.
    And you're right about creativity!

  2. I'm so pleased that they were thrilled with all your hard work Sandra x
    I've heard before of people having problems commenting on blogs on devices other than their computer !

  3. beautiful wedding album what a wonderful keepsake. Also a great idea to have a cute book to store all your creative ideas in..... I tend to scribble on a general pad that is full of all sorts eg to do lists,challenges, shopping to buy, recipes and it all gets a bit muddled!

  4. That wedding album is beautiful - I'm so glad you were able to enjoy their appreciation of it! And your Smash book cover is perfect!

  5. The wedding album is gorgeous Sandra and love your smash front cover. I love handing over pages I've created for my nieces and nephews, their mummy's make a huge fuss which makes me beam from ear to ear, such a lovely hobby and even better when you can share it xx

  6. Their is nothing more persional than a handmade gift, more so when its for a wedding !! What a wonderful keepsake for your cousin Sandra !!

    A smash book is one of the things on my to do list !!

    hugs Diane xx

  7. "Creativity never goes out of style"..I love that!

    I'm not surprised that they were delighted. It's the love and care that goes into something like this, and the thought, that just makes it so special

  8. What a beautiful album and a real labour of love for you, no wonder they were thrilled with it.

    Love, love, love the creativity never goes out of style on your smash book -might have to be stealing that for my art journalling

    And ... I would never shut you out of my blog

    Suzy x

  9. I love that second album and the fab quote!

  10. Looks like you have been really busy - love the wedding album and can't wait to have a peek inside your smash book x

  11. wow a beautiful keepsake Sandra - they will treasure this forever. Your smash book looks pretty cool too - love your quote x

  12. loving your smash book! and you know what? I have just whipped out my dusty smash book from the shelf, hoping I will start smashing again...

  13. Both albums are fab Sandra...and the wedding one will be treasured forever! x

  14. I hope you figure out the iPad problem. The albums are fab, I love all the bits you have added to the wedding one, and the cover for your smash book is just gorgeous :)

  15. WOW love your albums. thanks for stopping by!

  16. Bummer about your iPad, hope you can figure it out! Such a lovely albums, I'm sure it will be treasured.

  17. Iknow what you mean about Ipads-they're not quite as easy are they ?Beautiful albums x

  18. That album is gorgeous and I'm so pleased they liked it. I love your smash book x

  19. Beautiful Album and I know what you mean about giving away crafty things; I've had that moment where I'm just mot sure they appreciate the work that's gone into it! Love your smash book too :)


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