Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Work in progress

I just wanted to share with you, something I’m working on at the moment. I know it all looks a bit of a mess, but honest; there is a method in this madness.
Last year my cousin got married – it was a very small family wedding and although she had a photographer; of course Simon took his camera. Anyway, I’ve been meaning to do a mini album for her, but just wasn’t sure where to start. So I did my very first order with Photobox (got slightly carried away) and 50 photographs later, I was still stumped.
Luckily for me, the crop girls came to my aid. They suggested I work at it, a bit like a production line – cut all my cardstock first;  then a quick embellish of each page with pretty paper; stick photos on and then go back and “pretty” up.  And, I have to say, it’s working. I know that if I worked at each page as a layout, as a whole, I’d never get it finished.
So here you are; this is how its looking so far; I’ll come back and show you the finished project.


  1. Such beautiful papers! I think this is a great idea in how to tackle it too - it makes it much easier and you are not trying to reinvent the wheel each time.

  2. It's a lovely idea,Sandra....very pretty papers....and makes it all so much more manageable.
    I hope you don't mind me mentioning.....but your 'follow this blog on bloglovin' doesn't actually connect to can get a button from them that automatically goes to the site to allow someone to follow you.

    1. Thanks Jacky, I got the button from them! Ok back to the drawing board and try again lol

  3. I think that is the only way to approach it, with so many photos/pages. The papers are so pretty.
    Fi xx

  4. It looks like a lot of fun to me and sounds like a good plan to get an album completed!

  5. What a super project and how sensible your crop ladies are.

  6. Just the little I can see looks beautiful x

  7. Looks good, can't wait to see the finished product! X

  8. The album is coming together beautifully. A great way of approaching what could otherwise be a very daunting task.

    Toni xx

  9. What a lovely idea and a great way to go about it. Look forward to seeing it when it's finished :)

  10. It looks beautiful! I did a production line for my sister's wedding album a few years back I kind of made me wonder if there was some way I could do all my scrapping like that!

  11. This album looks great from these peeks Sandra x

  12. Great way to tackle a big project! Stacy Julian used to teach a class called Finish Line Scrapbooking that followed a similar format.

  13. Ooh that's quite a project (50 photos) but I agree - a production line approach will get it finished before her Silver Wedding ;-)

  14. That is a great way to tackle it and how I did the last mini book that I made. Looking forward to seeing all the finished work xx

  15. I love this Sandra! A great way to get it done - I could learn from this LOL!

  16. I call this functional scrapbooking - a way to get it all done, and quickly! Besides - if the people aren't crafters themselves, they don't appreciate the work that's gone in, and keeping it simple is the best way of uniting the album anyway. I will check back in and hope to see it finished soon! x

  17. It's all looking very good, I can't wait to see the finished pages x


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