Wednesday, 1 June 2011

A little bit of Everything

This really is a post with a little bit of everything ... I suddenly have so much I want to share with you all.   

I love getting post ... proper post! Yes, I love emails, skype and all that but there is something really special about getting an envelope with your name handwritten on it, especially when you're not expecting anything. So imagine my delight when these came out of the envelope.

A big thank you to Michelle, for really making my morning - that's so very kind of you.  Inside reads "just because you love all things pretty".  Isn't she talented, and oh so so sweet :)

Ok next; I set myself  many challenges each year, some I manage, some I get nowhere near, but one of them was to read more - and not just magazines!  I used to read so much when I used to commute by train to work, but now working from home, I don't' tend to.  Anyway, I joined a reading group, and have so far read some very good books, some of which I wouldn't normally pick up - well the latest, is The Crying Tree, and one I would recommend.  When I first read the back, well I thought, goodness I'll cry through all of this, but that wasn't the case!  So a quick recap, from the back;

Irene Stanley thought her world had come to an end when her husband found their 15 year old son, Shep murdered in their Oregon Home.  DanielRobbin, who had spent his teenage years in & out of trouble, gave himself up to the police and was given the state's harshest sentence; death by lethal injection.

Now Nineteen years later, as the superintendent of the state penitentiary prepares to execute Robbin, Irene Stanley must reveal something she has been hiding from her family.

Her revelation stuns her family and cracks open the secrets that surrounded her son's death.  Secrets that reveal how little she understood Shep, her husband or herself.

Now it's not as morbid as it sounds, and the book jumps back and forward though time - but doesn't really touch on the actual murder, which probably helps.  It's more about how the family deal with it, and also how the prison warden copes with the event he's facing, and finally how the mother deals with the loss of her son and the true events of that day. If you're looking for something a little different, I would recommend it - I'm now looking forward to my next read, especially as I have a super bookmark too :)

And finally, although I posted this layout on the shop blog - I do want to share it with you too, as I love the photo.  It was taken on Easter Sunday, so before THE wedding!  And Simon suggested going up to London to see the flags - well, it was amazing, were were in Regent Street - and right there at the lights was a mini, a taxi and a Bus, all next to the flags. You couldn't get anything more British LOL.  So I dashed to the middle of the road and took the photo - and I'm so pleased I did. 

Ok, enough talk from me.  Goodness, I don't think I've ever done a blog post with so much chatter :)


  1. You are so right Sandra about getting actual post !! If only others would send a little note or card "just because".....anyway a lovely thought from your friend.

    The LO is soooooo British !! Just fab !!

    hugs Diane xx

  2. Super LO and perfect colour choice.

    There is something about getting 'real' post...not just bills or flyers. If we ever cease to get proper post it will be criminal...(just wish the cost of the postage wouldn't keep jumping up though).

    Toni xx

  3. Love the LO, especially all those gorgeous flowers. :D

  4. Michelle is talented, what a lovely surprise for you. The book sounds good so I'll have to add that to my "to read" list. That layout is gorgeous and the photo is stunning, you should sell it to a postcard company :) x

  5. I love that photo too, and what you have done with it.

    Proper post can make my day too. I got a CD of photos as a surprise today. Brilliant.

  6. It's great to get NICE post isn't it? and not just bills through the door. Love the layout and the rosettes on it.

  7. Awesome LO Sandra, and what lovely gifts you got today!

  8. Ah, that is so sweet of Michelle! not sure about the book but that pic and the resulting lo is bloomin' fantastic

    L xx

  9. Love your LO & a lovely card from Michelle - bless her!!!
    You 'chat' away anytime you like hun - as long as the coffee is on!!! LOL

  10. Lovely layout Sandra. I really like how despite the large embellishments, the photo has remained the focus. I too am trying to read more this year, so far, not so good for me, but I still have half the year left! LOL!

  11. Love all those flowers and beautiful photo - I don't read so much, thanks for the tip - I have to have a book catch me in quite quick and when that happens I don't put it down til I am finished!

  12. This is a lovely layout Sandra. I really would have like to have seen London looking so decorated.
    Love your fireplace decorations too (a few posts back) and I have to say, really jealous of your cake-baking Aunt....they look delicious!

  13. This layout is stunning! I love the colours and I think its really lovely that you've stayed away from red, white and blue without detracting from the photo. Good catch on the pic too!

  14. That's an awesome photo!!! and a great LO too

  15. Thankyou for the comment on my blog.I wish I had been able to see the flags in London. Amazing picture.
    I hope you popped into Anthropologie while you were in Regents St

  16. That is a lovely layout, amazing photo and the rosettes are just the thing. Snail Mail is just the thing and pizza boxes help as well :)

  17. Brilliant photo and I love the layout too. The book sounds good - might see if I can find a copy of that to read :)

  18. I too love recieving cards - I always adore other peoples ! lol
    gorgeous layout you have made .
    maddy x

  19. What a gorgeous layout and a fab picture! I love it!

    Thanks for dropping over to my blog and saying hello!


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