Wednesday, 23 March 2011

I love Today!

As with everything, I'm always playing catch up - and Shimelle's blogging for scrapbookers, is no different.  Well today's prompt was about listing out your favourite things ... and well, as I'm a true list girly I was more than happy.  I will admit to making lists for everything ... from shopping lists, to menu plans, and to do lists .. I even have a list on the go, for our Royal Wedding party that we're having ... more on that another day!

But I thought for my quick little post, I'd give a list of things I've been happy for today ... so here you are;

  • I'm truly happy that it's been a beautiful sunny and warm day here today
  • I was happy that I had my washing and ironing all done by midday
  • I was happy to have had a little visit from a stray kitten ... we had a little play, and he even ventured into the house
  • I was happy that a friend popped around today to buy some stock, but stayed and had a cold drink with me ... and
  • I'm happy that I didn't give up coffee for Lent as well as chocolate :) 

I've decided to scrap more of my everyday life too .... and yes that even includes my love of coffee ... so look out for this picture appearing on a layout soon.


  1. What a lovely blog you have! The backgrounds make me want to stay and visit!
    Got your ironing done by noon huh! I'm jealous.
    Lorraine BFS

  2. Your blog is beautiful and I love your happy list!

  3. Lovely post and I echo the comments on the gorgeous background.

  4. I love your 'happy' has been a nice day today hasn't it.

    What a beautiful cup - give up coffee, how could you even consider day doesn't start unless there is coffee and it is helped along when there is a constant supply LOL

    Toni :o)

  5. What a lovely happy list, I feel a bit like that today except I still have the pile of ironing, I got a big dog playing with me instead of a lovely kitten and I didn't get a coffee until 8 o'clock tonight!:)

    I would like that lovely cup for my collection, that would make me happy :) x

  6. you are further on than me with BFS. I havent even read todays prompt yet. Love your list and it has been such alovely day X

  7. Great list Sandra! Good to see you keeping up with the prompts. I'm behind already!

  8. Great picture Sandra!

    Give up coffee? Not in a million years..

  9. Good list Sandra! Look forward to seeing your coffee on a layout soon ;-)

  10. it should - it's a brilliant photo :-) when you make lists, do you a) make them with the intention of ticking everything on the list off and b) tick everything off?

  11. I'm with you there on the sunny days and clean washing....simple things! Love list.

  12. And here I am playing catch up on your blog! What a lovely, happy, positive list :-)

  13. You do sound content...I'll be looking for future posts related to the BFS class.

  14. I like your 'happy' list, thinking about what makes you happy makes you realise that sometimes it's the small things....

  15. Great List & well done, I'm still on Day 3 or was it Day 2??? LOL


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