Sunday, 30 January 2011

What a weekend!!!

Why is it, that everything comes at once!

Well this weekend for us, was just crazy ... but crazy good. I’ve managed to capture a couple of photos to share with you, but sorry they were taken on my phone or in semi darkness.

The first well, what can I say – we were invited by one of Simon's clients to see the amazing Elton John .... now awesome is a word I rarely use, as I think it's used too often, and far too easily, but I can honestly say he was AWESOME! First we had dinner at the Ritz! ... I know, how cool is that! And then we were whisked off by taxi to the Royal Opera house, where for one night only – Elton John and Ray Cooper, in aid of the Royal Academy of Music, preformed! He was on stage from about 7:15 until about 9:30 – and throughout the evening, he just sang or played the piano ... no needless chatter – just pure entertainment. You forget what an amazing pianists he is! A true entertainer!
But amazingly enough that was just the start of our wonderful weekend. Yesterday we attended a charity ball, at the Plaisterers’ Hall, in the City of London – oh and it was such a beautiful and fun evening. In attendance was the Lord Mayor, and entertainment was from the Royal Marines Band and two magicians. We ended the evening with dancing ... it was so glamorous and fun, and then to top it off .. the real cherry on the top, so to speak. As it turned midnight, we went into Simon’s Birthday, so more champagne followed - and the band sang Happy Birthday to him.

So today was celebrated with family, which is just how birthdays should be.

All in all, an amazing weekend ...right, now back to real life!


  1. Looks like you had a great time Sandra and how close were you to Elton!!!! Happy Birthday Simon you certainly started your day with style. xx

  2. Wow! Thats some weekend you had there Sandra and what a memorable birthday for Simon


  3. My do things in style girl !!

    hugs Diane xx

  4. Oh Wow, what an amazing weekend. The most excitement I get is a trip to the indian takeaway...

  5. Dinner at the Ritz does indeed sound cool. What a fabulous weekend. Is it going to take all week to recover?

  6. Wow!! It's going to take a while to recover from that lot (and even longer to top it!) It sounds like a weekend to remember for ever.

  7. Wow what a fantastic weekend you've had, sounds like one you'll never forget....

  8. A perfect weekend! you both work so hard and it was well deserved too


  9. WOW! An amazing weekend indeed! Lucky you :-)

  10. Sounds like an absolutely fantastic evening! Hope Simon enjoyed it too.


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