Tuesday, 4 May 2010

What an amazing Garden Centre

Having Simon at home on holiday last week, was just wonderful. Not only were we really lucky with the weather, but we just went to some of the most fabulous places ... craft shopping included, I even managed to sneak in a visit to a quilt shop.   But, one of the place we visited, that really was a highlight, was an amazing garden centre that we've often being meaning to visit, but so far have never got around to ... and oh my, was it worth it!  It had some amazing plants, but the real WOW factor were all the knick knacks that were on sale ... oohhh and the coffee shop ... AMAZING.  Honestly, I took so many photos of the place, you'd think I really was on holiday in some overseas country LOL.  Anyway, here are a few to share with you - but if you ever get the chance, do visit Petersham Nurseries, it's well worth the visit.

I'm saying sorry now, for all the photos ... but trust me, I did edit them and thin them out for you all, believe me, I took a whole lot more than this. LOL

And finally the amazing coffee shop, complete with cakes of course!


  1. Looks like a lovely day out. Did you buy any plants?

  2. Gorgeous! I love the way you finished up with the one in the coffee shop :) I'm loving the new header too.

  3. Cor! Chelsea buns....not had one of them for ages. Nothing is nicer than a sunny day wandering around a pretty garden centre (and making grand plans in your head) then finishing off with a pot of tea and a bun....sigh!

  4. Wow this looks fab. Did you buy anything nice

  5. looks lovely Sandra, must go over there one day.

  6. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos - it's been on my 'to go to' list for ages and considering my daughter is at uni in Roehampton, just down the road, I really will make the effort - you have inspired me!

  7. looks like i should go there asap! the cakes look fab too!


  8. Looks like a nice day out - I could just eat that cake!!!

  9. That looks likes one amazing garden centre!


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