Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Sometimes, I think my head will explode, with all the ideas that are rattling around in it.  At the moment, patchwork and quilting are my obsession - I can't seem to get enough of quilting books, magazines or looking at  different sewing sites.  And I keep printing out my next project (which is actually going to be this Amy Butler quilt ... I think!) - but really, I do need to get on and finish the one I'm working on!  So here is my desk this Wednesday. I'm very lucky to have my own craft room, which means my sewing machine is always out (and so is fabric) and it's on a small table which I keep just for sewing, which is very lucky for me, as I can flit from sewing this jelly roll quilt to playing with paper.  OOhhh someone help me, my head is just swimming with crafting plans!


  1. You are certainly sounding on a creative high at the moment Sandra! My sewing machine is in being serviced so I'm on a bit of a sewing break.

  2. You are a lady of many talents. Patchwork is one of the many things of my list that I want to try.
    I had a look at the Amy Butler quilt you gave a link to, it's gorgeous.
    Your work in progress looks very interesting.
    Clare x

  3. Amy Butler - heaven:) I, like you have my sewing machine set up in my craft room my only problem is trying to fit in all my hobbies to the time available. I feel like that too sometimes with ideas bouncing around my head.

    Looking forward to seeing the quilt you are working on will we get a peek?

  4. ooh can't wait to see your quilt when it's done xx

  5. I love those quilts, I just wish I could sew or had time to learn. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

    Well done on the post a week that'll keep bossy boots (sorry Alana!!) happy

    I'd better get one ready before the end of the week

  6. Its lovely to see some fabrics being used.
    A x

  7. How lovely to have a light and dedicated sewing space. How lovely still to have a head full of ideas and plans! No idea why the long strips are called Jelly Rolls, but love the idea! Great WOYWW - do it again huh?!

  8. oooh look forward to seeing the quilt when it's finished

  9. The jelly rolls look beautiful cab't wait to see the finished product xx

  10. I love the colours of the fabric you are working with at the moment - the finished article is going to look really lovely.

    Paula x x x

  11. Beautiful fabrics - I made a patchwork quilt a long time ago and I must do one again. Thanks for the inspiration.x

  12. I've just purchased a sewing machine so hopefully i'll have some projects on the go with the bundles of fabric i have :)

  13. I admire any one who does quilting!!!!!
    Great that you can leave it out!!!

  14. Hiya

    I would love to be able to quilt and do some patchwork, it would help if I could operate a sewing machine lol, it always looks so gorgeous


  15. how lovely to have a sewing space and paper playing space! your fabrics look amazing, can not wait to see a pic of your quilt finished!


  16. Be sure to share the finished quilt. I love sewing. I have a tiny sewing machine (somewhere!) that I keep meaning to find to embellish my cards.

  17. I admire those who can make patchwork quilts and follow a lady who is amazing but as I love material (not that I sew lol) I could see me getting into quilts but I REALLY do not need another craft to spend my meager income on....but I will pop back and share yours with you.

  18. So good to see your craft room. You are really lucky to have a dedicated space. The quilt project looks great, but truly involved.

    Sorry I'm so late visiting, and on my first ever WOYWW. I tried to leave a message last night, but I couldn't access your blog and I got a dreaded timed out page. Glad I was able to make it today.

  19. Oh yes I know that feeling - so many project ideas, so little time!
    I'm just thinking of setting my sewing machine up on a table permanently to encourage me to get down to doing some of my many sewing projects...

  20. Creativity tends to strike me most when I'm at work unfortunately, I should keep a little notebook at my desk for my ideas I think. Good luck with the quilt.


  21. I have a room, but I really need to make a spot to leave my sewing machine out too. Have fun playing this week.

  22. I have the same going on in my head Sandra. You and me both. It's good in some ways but gives me restless nights in others! If I could just find a place that sells time!! *Ü* I LOVE your craft room - so pretty and that Lotus quilt looks like to be a challenge. Go for it! TFS. ~Glen~

  23. I made my first ever quilt for a Christmas addictive. Now planning a simple #2 bedspread quilt. Brought back the days when I sewed all the kids' clothes! Great WOYWW


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a message. It means a lot x