Tuesday, 5 January 2010

A New Passion

Oh dear .... something new to try! Ok, so I couldn't resist getting this magazine when I saw it advertised on tv the other night.  Well, lets see if I ever do complete at least one square of this throw.  It does look good though, so who knows maybe I'll learn to crochet yet.
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  1. Sandra, this looks gorgeous! I love your colours and your header. You keep it up..I'll be back!

  2. Hi. I bought that mag too - a bargain 99p. I've always wanted to crochet - now, just need a few extra hours in the day and I'll do it.

  3. Love your blog - good luck with the crochet. You'll have to post the results!

  4. Oooh a new blog and another new hobby, actually crocheting is lovely to do and very quick to achieve results xx

  5. havn't bought the mag, but my mum managed to show me how to crochet just before christmas. Takes a lot of practise though. Chceck it out on my blog.


  6. Is this something to keep you occupied when I go back to work and you've got no-one to talk to lol........lovely blog and cant wait to see your crocheting.

  7. Love your blog.

    I want to get this mag too but I have tried and failed miserably to crochet before from written instructions. Please let us know if you succeed


  8. Fab blog V, I bought the magazine too and am crocheting a scarf lol x

  9. crochet seems to be so popular at the moment :0) I am hooked (excuse the pun) and have lots of things to make this year.
    You will find it very addictive once you get going

  10. I shall be watching with interest ... I have always wanted to crochet!

  11. Have fun learning to crochet...it is "easy" once you get a few basic moves. I feel quite certain it will become second nature for you! Good Luck!


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